Inspired By The Land 2022
Great Cottonwood
Want to take it in a bit slower? Check out the 4 minute version here:
Hit the ⚙ icon in the video player to adjust speed further
Short Film:
includes a 5 minute commentary from the Inspired by the Land Performance Night
October 13, 2021 - This distant view of the tree is the what visitors would have seen when starting from the trail head on South Boulder Road. I first met this tree in late summer of 2018, soon after moving into an apartment nearby. I had only intended to take a quick walk around the neighborhood when I started but upon seeing it off in the distance, I decided to continue. I remember specifically thinking to myself “I’ll go to there.”
October 13, 2021 - Probably my favorite single photo of the tree.
October 17, 2021 - Deer grazing underneath the tree
April 19, 2022 - A group of calves and their mothers hung out by the tree a lot through April 2022. One was even using the exposed roots to scratch their back.
I used this sign to mark my camera position.
May 16th 2022 - Leaves began showing up on some of the branches that remained connected to the trunk.
January 15, 2022 - It appears the trunk and roots had suffered some rot prior to falling.
July 18, 2022 - Leaves have begun growing out of the cracks in the roots
Shout out to everyone who helped me bring this project to life, especially Kristen at The Painted Pixel for her amazing attention to detail in printing, and my partner Alex, for all her help framing, her kind encouragement and for the many times she walked back in the dark to accommodate my picky desire to shoot through the sunset.
January 8th 2022 - Me sitting with the tree on the first day S. Boulder Creek Trail was reopened after the Marshal Fire.
August 6th - The cracks and lower roots are almost fully obstructed by new growth.